
d in the Department of Health, Human Performance, and Recreation within the College of Education and Health Professions at the University of Arkansas, the CRL housed in the Exercise Science Research Center contains 1,000 ft2 of laboratory space including approximately 930 ft2 primary lab and 100 ft2 cell culture/microscopy suite. The CRL contains the following equipment within the primary laboratory:


  1. Nikon Eclipse TiS Inverted Microscope System with X-Cite 120 LED Fluorescent System; LWD objectives of 4, 10, 40X; 100X oil immersion objective; fluorescent light cubes corresponding to DAPI, FITC, TRITC and Texas Red equivalent channels, NIS-Elements Basic Research Acquisition and analysis package
  2. Olympus CKX41 inverted microscope with digital color camera tied to Nikon BR software
  3. Leica CM1860 Cryostat
  4. 2x Unico ZM186 Boom Stand Zoom stereo microscope
  5. Cole-Parmer Instrument Company Fiber optics illuminator (41500-50)

 Molecular Biology

  1. Agilent 7890A Gas Chromatograph with 7693A Auto injector with 150 vial tray and 5977A Mass Spectrometer
  2. ABI QuantStudio3 RealTime PCR Thermocycler
  3. ABI Step One RealTime PCR Thermocycler
  4. LiCor Odyssey Fc Western Blot imager
  5. 3x VWR Midi plus 10 electrophoresis system (89032-296) for electrophoresis of agarose gels
  6. 4x Life Technologies (or NOVEX) Mini Bolt gel module (B1000) for Polyacrylamide Gel Electrophoresis
  7. 4x Bio-Rad PowerPac Basic (1645050) for Power supplies for electrophoresis
  8. Applied Biosystems 2720 Thermal cycler for PCR thermocycler
  9. Techne Genius PCR thermocycler
  10. Invitrogen Qubit 2.0 Flurometer
  11. BioTek Synergy HTX multi-mode plate reader with absorbance, fluorescence and luminescence capabilities and Take3 microvolume microplate for nucleic acid quantification


  1. Harvard Apparatus Bio-GS3 Grip Strength Test for mouse grip strength
  2. Aurora Scientific 701C High-power Bi-phase stimulator for In Vivo mouse test system
  3. GE healthcare Lunar Pordigy DXA machine with small animal software
  4. Columbus Instruments GP Counter, 8 wheel home cage mouse running system with computer driven interface (maintained in CLAF A36).
  5. Pro-Form Crosswalk Fit, Research Animal Treadmill (maintained in CLAF A36).
  6. Grass Telefa S-88 Stimulator

 Mitochondrial Physiology

  1. Hansatech Oxygraph Plus System with 4 Clark Type electrode chambers and corresponding software.
  2. Ocean Optix HDX-VIS-NIR single load spectrometer set for 533nm in single load for mitochondrial ROS emission assays in permeabilized tissues via Amplex Red

 Tissue Culture

  1. IonOptix C-Pace EM multichannel culture stimulator with C-Dish insert for electrostimulation and C-Stretch Unit for Electromechanical stimulation
  2. ThermoFisher 1300 Series A2 BSC Class II Biosafety Cabinet for Cell Culture
  3. ThermoFisher Forma Series II Water Jacketed CO2 Incubator with IR Sensor
  4. ThermoFisher Isotemp Dual Chamber Water Bath

 General Laboratory

  1. ThermoFisher MaxQ 4450 Benchtop Orbital Shaker/Incubator
  2. VWR Refrigerated Benchtop Centrifuge (2405-37)
  3. Thermo Scientific TSX Ultra-Low Freezer (-80°C freezer)
  4. Whirlpool EV181FZTQ11 -20°C freezers
  5. 4x 4ºC refrigerators (1. Whirlpool WRR56X18FW02), (2. Hotpoint TF780502), (3. IGL00 FR8321-B-Black), (4. Sanyo SR4910M)
  6. Symphony SB70P pH meters
  7. 3x VWR hotplates/stirrers
  8. Beckman Coulter Allegra XL-22R centrifuge
  9. Blue M 100A Incubator
  10. Shel Lab SWB2 water bath
  11. Wheaton Instrument Overhead stirrer (Tissue Tek homogenizers)
  12. 2x Lauda Ecoline 003 E-100 circulating water bath
  13. 2x Reinin Full set of manual and automatic micropipettes (A0600370E)
  14. VWR Mimi Blot Mixer
  15. VWR Digital Heatblock
  16. Tuttnauer 2540 Heidolph (or Napco) autoclave
  17. ELGA Purelab ultra water purifier
  18. Tempcom Explosion proof refrigerator/freezer (R4007-1)
  19. Labnet Spectrofuge 24D
  20. Ohaus Explorer Pro EP214 (Analytical balance)
  21. Satorius analytical balance
  22. 2x Kewaunee 5’ Chemical fume hood
  23. 2x water bath, 3x hot plates
  24. Thermo Scientific Sorvall ST8 Centrifuge
  25. Harvard Apparatus Schuler Tissue Bath System
  26. BioTek ELX50 Auto strip washer
  27. VWR PCR plate spinner (89184-610)
  28. IKA MS 3 Digital shaker
  29. Ranin E3 Rapid Charge stand
  30. 2x VWR Mini Centrifuges (76269-064)
  31. Thermo Scientific LP Vortex Mixer
  32. Scientific Industries Vortex Genie 2
  33. Fisher Scientific Vortex Genie 2
  34. USA Scientific Mini dry bath
  35. 2x VWR multi-channel Electronic Pipette 8 x 100uL
  36. VWR multi-channel pipette 5 x 50uL
  37. Ranin multi-channel pipette 20-200uL
  38. Eppendorf Repeater E3 Electronic pipette
  39. Hamilton Beach Microwave (EM720CGA-PMB)
  40. Vetequip Isoflurane Vaporizer (911103)
  41. IKA Ultra Turrax T25 Rotor-stator Homogenizer